Event Attendance Agreement

This Agreement ("Agreement") governs your attendance at and/or participation in CyberOZ 2023. If you are registering on behalf of another it is your responsibility to ensure that the person attending is aware of these terms and accepts them, and by completing the registration you are warranting that you have made the attendee aware of these terms and that they have accepted these terms.

  1. General
    1. This Agreement should be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the Release Form. In the event of any conflict between these legal documents and this Agreement, this Agreement will prevail at all times.
    2. By clicking on this Agreement, you agree to the terms of this Agreement.
    3. For the purposes of this Agreement:
      • "Organizers" refers collectively to IPV6 Forum, University of New South Wales, and CNLabs;
      • "Event" refers to CyberOZ 2023 and the Mixer event scheduled to take place on Sep 15 th - Sep 16 th 2023 at UNSW Kensington Campus and CyberOZ Connect at Coogee Pavilion in Sydney.
      • "Event Venue" means University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus for the main event and the Mixer at Coogee Pavilion, Sydney.
  2. Event Admission
    1. Admittance: Your registration entitles you to attend and participate in the Event. All costs related to the Event (including but not limited to travel and/or accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you. Unless expressly mentioned, under no circumstance will the Organizers be liable to fund any costs related to your participation in the Event.
    2. Termination: You acknowledge that the Organizers have the right to request you to not attend the Event if we think that your presence or your behaviour will disrupt the Event. We may 2 also disallow you from attending the Event if we think that you or your presence will harm the reputation of the Organizers or of the Event.
    3. Media: By attending the Event, you grant Organizers the right to record, film, photograph or capture your likeness in any media now available and hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This right granted to the Organizers includes but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use and/or disseminate the media.
    4. Event Details: The Organizers reserve the right to change anything and everything related to this Event at the last minute. This includes but is not limited to the name of the Event, the agenda of the Event, the agenda items or agenda topics, speakers, profiles and bios of the speakers, Event venue and time, hosts, moderators, and others. Under no circumstance will the Organizers be held liable for any last-minute changes to the Event (particularly the Agenda).
  3. Fees, Refunds, and Cancellation
    1. There is no fees for attending this Event as the Event is fully supported by sponsors. Seats for in-person attendance are limited. Hence, we encourage early registration if you wish to attend to the Event in-person.
    2. If you wish to cancel in-person registration, please do so at the earliest so that other people have the opportunity to attend the Event in-person. The last date for registration is 1st September 2023.
  4. Your Obligations
    1. You undertake to observe high ethical standards during the entire duration of the Event and at the Event Venue. This means that You will not engage in any activities that harms the reputation of the Event or of the Organizers.
    2. If you are a speaker or a presenter, you agree to sign the Release Form. As a speaker or as a presenter, you will not make any hateful, slanderous, discriminatory, blasphemous statements or any statement which brings the Event or the Organizers in disrepute.
    3. Unless expressly permitted by us, You will not click any photographs at the Event Venue particularly of the speakers, the moderators, and of other participants.
    4. You undertake and agree that you will not make an audio or video recording of the speakers while they are delivering their presentation or are speaking on the stage or at the podium.
    5. You will not criticize, rebuke, or condemn this Event without our authorization in any electronic, print, or social media. If you wish to criticize, rebuke, or say something negative about the Event or the Event Organizers, you may do so after seeking our written consent (which will not be unreasonably held). In order to seek our consent, please write to us at: organizers@cyberoz.org.
  5. Privacy Policy
    1. The Organizers are part of the IPV6 forum and is committed to protecting the privacy of the Attendees and Speakers of the Event in accordance with its privacy policy which is available at here.
  6. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. CyberOZ ®, the CyberOZ logo, and all other CyberOZ's product or service marks are trademarks of the Organizers or the IPv6 Forum (as the case maybe). All intellectual property, trademarks, logos, images, presentations, speaker profiles, music playlist or catalogue displayed or referred at the Event Venue or on this Website belongs to the Organizers or IPv6 Forum or the Speaker (as the case maybe).
    2. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any trademarks or other intellectual property rights owned by the Organizers or the IPV6 Forum. All intellectual property rights and trademarks related to the Event will remain the exclusive property of the Organizers, the IPV6 Forum, or the 4 Speakers (as the case maybe). For more about intellectual property rights, please refer to our Terms and Conditions available here.
  7. Warranties
    1. The Organizer does not give any warranties in respect of any aspect of the Event or any materials related thereto or offered at the Event.
    2. To the fullest extent permissible under the laws governing this Agreement, the Organizer disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness and merchantability.
  8. Liability
    1. Under no circumstance will the Organizers be held liable for anything related to the Event that happens either before or after the Event whether onsite or offsite. This includes but is not limited to injury, illness, accident, food-poisoning related to the Event (including the CyberOZ Connect and the Mixer event scheduled to take place on Sep 15 th 2023 and Sep 16 th 2023).
    2. Neither the Organizer nor its affiliates can accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of the Event and/or any information provided at the Event.
    3. Other than to the extent required as a matter of law:
      1. neither the Organizer nor its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the Event or
      2. other aspect related thereto or in connection with this Agreement.
    4. Save for anything else contained in this Agreement, the maximum aggregate liability of the Organizer for any claim in any way connected with therewith or this Agreement or the Event whether in contract, tort or otherwise (including any negligent act or omission) shall be limited to One Australian Dollars.

These Terms are effective and were last updated on Aug 1 2023.

CyberOZ 2023 is being organized in Australia by the Organizers.

Copyright 2023 © CyberOZ. All Rights Reserved.